Raymond’s story: “Life caught up with me and I became obese!”

Raymond lost over 50 pounds on the Every Other Day Diet!

Weight Loss: 52 pounds

Raymond Fee is a retired lecturer in nursing in the UK, where he taught classes about Diabetes Mellitus and other chronic diseases linked to a high blood cholesterol. Unfortunately, he developed a high blood cholesterol and blood sugar himself. He was also aware that at 5’6″ tall and 196 pounds he was obese!

“I was shocked to see myself on video when I was recorded giving a speech at my friend’s wedding in Japan” the 59-year-old wrote to me. “Life had caught up with me, and I had become obese!”

But he decided to do something about all that extra weight—and started a 4:3 pattern of dieting in February, 2013.

“I have lost 52 pounds, and now weigh 144,” he wrote. “And my cholesterol and blood sugar levels have returned to normal!  I look forward to reading your book!”

Raymond wrote to me not only to tell me about his spectacular weight loss, but also to ask how ‘Every-Other-Day approach’ could help him  to maintain his current weight. Well, when he reads Chapter 7 of my new book The Every-Other-Day Diet (Hyperion, December 2013), he’ll find a complete plan to do just that: The Every-Other-Day Success Program. I’ve been conducting an NIH-sponsored study on this weight-maintenance program for the past two years and I can tell you this much about it: For people who have lost weight on the Every-Other-Day diet, this program really works to keep weight off.

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